Anothe one I love the most❤

              ❤ Another one I love  the most

  •   Every one has a few people they love .so there is another one that I love . It is my dog  🐕Toby is the name of my dog .It is lion shepherd dog. It is two colour .so mostly black and a bit of broun .And also it is 1 years old.

  •    So I'm glad to say that  it is my best friend and a faith ful animal and I  must  say  that  my toby has a sharp mind and a strong sense of hearing and smelling things . 
  •      Toby would like to eat fish and fried chicken and toby fond of playing with me .It loves to play catch balls and It follows me around the house with a toy and drops it on my foot so I will toss it . Toby can catch just about anything  so I really have fun playing with toby .

  • Actually speaking toby takes care of me .so it follows me when I leave every where and when I am sitting on chair Toby plops down rigjt beside me . So i'm glad to say that I get a feeling that  I am always safe because  he watches over me and I must say that my toby is a wonderful  pet .🐕



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